Historical Trends

Historical Trends

SpryBill Historical Trend Insights are a result of trend analysis performed on historical billing data. SpryBill crunches the billing data from the past 8 years to highlight trends in revenue, number of customers, assessed late fees, call volume, call revenue etc. The trends are then presented in an interactive graphical representation. You can start with yearly overview, which presents year-to-year changes and dig into any particular year for a month-to-month trend. Find out the changes happening in your business such as –

  • Is my revenue growing or falling month-over-month this year?
  • Has my customer count increased or decreased compared to same time last year?
  • Has my international call revenue increased this year?

Trends clearly tell you what is going on with your business and what needs to be done to keep the trends leaning in the positive direction.

SpryBill - Historical Trend Showcase

Get a taste of some of SpryBill's historical trend reports. Call us for a full demo...

Revenue by Billing Cycle
Revenue by Billing Cycle
Minutes by Carrier
Minutes by Carrier
Product Category Sales
Product Category Sales
Lead Conversion
Lead Conversion
Acquisition Vs. Attrition
Acquisition Vs. Attrition
Case Satisfaction by Type
Case Satisfaction by Type